Stuck In The Middle Podcast

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She carries her world on her shoulder with her head high like no other. She cares and defends for her own with the driving force of her unconditional love for them. She uplifts those who stand below her feet and helps them rise to greater heights. The only woman, who willingly stands in front of a storm and command it to steer clear of her loved ones. On her lowest points, she spends her time praying for others, caring for others, and mending broken souls. She is selfless and forgiving. She raised a village and those not of her own. From a young age, she was blessed with greatness, some may even say God took his time when he laid his hands on her soul. With that greatness came responsibility. When all was lost you took on the duty to raise her brothers and sister. Soon enough she started a family of her own, 6 kids and a husband, and many more around her, she never brunt out of love to give.

You have always been the best cheerleader. In your busiest hour, you took the time to hide during work and comfort me during one of my lowest moments. In times of despair, you are there even when your world seems like it's falling, you still take time the nurture for others. In your darkest moments, you never let it bring you down or other down. You are always reminding me of how much you love me, how strong I am, encouraging me to keep going because no matter where the road ends you will always be proud of me. To your kids, you are a superwoman, always ready to fight, save the day and put a smile on our faces. When we need you, you are ready to give, when we fall you are by our sides ready to pick us up, dust us off and push us to keep going. When tears fall you are always there to help us dry them. When we’re walking the wrong path you are always there ready to steer us back on the right one.

When I call, you always answer, 4 times in a day you always act like we haven't spoken in days. You put on a bright smile and I can feel the love radiate many miles to me. You always make sure I am doing well, check on my day. When the conversation is over, and I love you is said, kisses are blown, “I miss you so much, hurry up and come, okay I love you. Bye.”

Mom, what would my world be without you. You are my world and I can't imagine one without you. Mom in times of sadness I think of the times when you were always there for me when you made me feel happy when you made me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. You never give up on me, you see more light and more success in me than I see in myself.

This the part the DJ plays Sweet Mother By Prince Nico

I would like to say THANK YOU! A word so big and yet small it doesn't amount to how GREATFUL I am for all that you have done for me. Through all the ups and downs I am glad God chose you to be my mother.

My teacher, my hero, my friend, my mom.

Happy birthday, Mom!.

Ohh did I mention she was on Stuck in the Middle Podcast?