Stuck In The Middle Podcast

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Imagine narrating your life during the war, how you were captured, put in prison, and eventually found a way to escape. Only for the person on the other side of the conversation shocking you with the revelation that they indeed did capture you. This is a true story that happened to Winston Churchill during his time as a War Correspondent.

It’s been so long since I put pen to paper and I can’t even write a proper hook, but the lesson here is that the world, as big as it is, is actually very small.

Speaking of Churchill, I was fortunate enough to join a book club this year and one of the books I read was his autobiography, and something he said in that book really got my hair tingling. He said, “The whole creation is but a dream; all phenomena are imaginary. You create your own universe as you go along. The stronger your imagination, the more variegated your universe. When you leave off dreaming, the universe ceases to exist.” I’ve said so many times on this website that the world is all there is, but you must create your own small universe within everything around you; that’s your trigger.

I wanted to narrow it down to three points, Heat, Breeze, and Tenderness.

I asked my fiancée what heat is associated with, and she replied, “fire.” When you think of fire, it’s scary, but in some instances, it’s comforting. Then again, that’s not the kind of fire we are discussing here. This is the fire that burns inside you, the one that sparks greatness in you, the one that makes you get out of bed every day, the one that gives you a purpose. That is the HEAT, the fire. Have you ever thought about what drives you? Please don’t say Uber. Think about it. It is very difficult to accomplish anything if you don’t have that inner desire.

When it rains, it pours. What happens when it suns? The BREEZE aspect in our scenario here is pretty much things in life that you cannot control. I remember one time I woke up, got ready for work, but when I went to leave, someone had hit my car the night before. There I was, perplexed and confused. I couldn’t turn back time and tell whoever hit my car not to. I simply had to fix the car and keep it moving. You can go outside today and it’s a slow breeze, but tomorrow, you find yourself in a hurricane. That’s just life.

Handling life on your own can get rough at times. Having someone to help you along the way is a very big, yet underrated blessing. TENDERNESS. I’m sure you haven’t already forgotten my car example from above. Obviously, the car fixing wasn’t done by me, I had help. More importantly, I made two phone calls to two people who are very close to me to tell them what had happened. They were able to calm me down and assure me all will be well.

How you create your own small universe goes a long way in shaping your life. From what drives you from within, to understanding that there are things in this life that you simply cannot control, and ultimately surrounding yourself with people to help you on this journey of life.

I forgot to properly handle the elephant in the room earlier, but it’s been a very busy year. I cannot believe this is my first post of 2021. I promise it won’t be the last.

Oh! Don’t forget to call or text someone you love and thank them for going on this journey of life with you.

Talk soon,

Boy D’jine

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